Articles from April, 2014

Supporting Community In Harmony: the Canadian Orpheus Male Choir
Membership in the COMC allows local men of all ages and backgrounds to make friends, have fun and give back to the community all at once.
by Shiona Mackenzie
Published April 30, 2014 in Arts and Music (0 comments)

Tactical Taxation: Designing our City to Reduce Taxes
Joe Minicozzi explains how the creation of dense vibrant downtowns through good policy creates an economic engine for the City that help to reduce residents' tax burdens.
by Graham McNally
Published April 28, 2014 in Events (27 comments)

The Great Beauty and The AGH Film Series
The Great Beauty, given a one-time event April 23 show at Jackson Square, is a cinematographic masterpiece.
by Jonathan Lambert
Published April 28, 2014 in Events (2 comments)

Remembering the Armenian Genocide
The Armenian Genocide, also known as Medz Yeghern, is among the most tragic events of the last century.
by Jonathan Lambert
Published April 28, 2014 in Commentary (2 comments)

Visionary Leadership Usually Looks Like 'Going Rogue'
Thank goodness for those few politicians who are willing to step outside the status quo and take calculated risks to achieve transformative change.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 25, 2014 in Special Report: Light Rail (28 comments)

City to Spend Tens of Millions on Road Reconstruction
Before freaking out about the next cycling investment, we need to put our our very modest investments in walking and cycling infrastructure into perspective.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 23, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (45 comments)

Fair Elections Act Disenfranchises Vulnerable Voters
Bill C-23, the so-called Fair Elections Act, changes many rules around voting to make it much more difficult for potential voters to cast ballots.
by Laura Cattari
Published April 22, 2014 in Commentary (12 comments)

Make Tax Returns Available to Family Responsibility Office
A solution to the dilemma of child support payors who blatantly disregard court orders by refusing to share tax returns.
by Doreen Nicoll
Published April 22, 2014 in Healing Gaia (8 comments)

Celebrating a Small Victory in the Campaign to Recall Our Streets
The City responded to a request to lower the speed limit on King Street near Dundurn, reducing a needless 400-metre freeway effect.
by Andrew Pettit
Published April 18, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (37 comments)

Public Art or Political Art?
I don't think Frankie "Venom" Kerr would have liked a politician telling him the themes for his songs.
by Santo Barbieri
Published April 18, 2014 in Opinion (51 comments)

Freeway Speeds on City Streets Designed Like Freeways
Apart from the houses and chain link fence on the Claremont Access, its design is not much different from Highway 407.
by Nicholas Kevlahan
Published April 16, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (36 comments)

Hamilton Should Commemorate Important Local Artists
We have stories in Hamilton, and we need to tell them to ourselves and to the world.
by Ryan Moran
Published April 16, 2014 in Opinion (34 comments)

Hands on Learning in the Hamilton Victory Gardens
The Hamilton Victory Gardens don't just grow food - they grow skills and they grow dreams.
by Ashleigh Patterson
Published April 16, 2014 in Commentary (1 comment)

Yet Another Anti-LRT Argument Based on Nonsense
Without strong local leadership on LRT, a steady stream of nonsense is slowly but steadily displacing the sound, evidence-based reasons why we cannot afford not to invest in LRT.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 15, 2014 in Special Report: Light Rail (30 comments)

Bus Lane Repainting a Chance to Get it Right
Cyclists and buses can easily be accommodated with the road space we have available. Here's a simple, straightforward cross-section to do that.
by Jason Leach
Published April 11, 2014 in Special Report: Bus Lane (31 comments)

Sign up to Slow Down with 30 to Zero
Zero accidents is our goal. Driving 30 kilometres an hour in neighbourhoods is one of the ways we'll get there together.
by Jay Robb
Published April 09, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (87 comments)

Ideas to Recall Our Streets from Boulder, Colorado
In Boulder, Colorado, they have 'recalled' dangerous highway-style slip turn lanes to slow traffic and make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists to cross.
by Nicholas Kevlahan
Published April 09, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (3 comments)

Recall Our Streets by Reclaiming Unused Lanes for Active Transportation
Some of our most grossly overbuilt streets are perfect candidates for a road diet, with a green boulevard separating the roadway from a new biking/walking path.
by Jason Leach
Published April 08, 2014 in Special Report: Cycling (25 comments)

City Council/Committee Meeting Website is an Unusable Quagmire
The website for meeting agendas sucks. It gets almost everything wrong, from proprietary technologies to obsolete, inaccessible formats.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 08, 2014 in Feature (15 comments)

Help BurlingtonGreen Clean Up and Green up Our Community
We invite all citizens to participate in our Community Clean Up Green Up event from 9:00 AM to noon on Saturday April 26, 2014 with School and Business Clean-Ups from April 21 to 25.
by Tomasz Wiercioch
Published April 08, 2014 in Events (0 comments)

Recall Our Streets By Lowering Speed Limits
Cities and towns around the world are moving to a 30 km/h speed limit for residential and urban streets.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 07, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (12 comments)

Let's Go Dutch: Cycling Best Practices from The Netherlands
Before the 1970s, most Dutch cities were car-dominated with dangerous and unpleasant streets, just like Hamilton today. They changed. We can too.
by Kevin Love
Published April 04, 2014 in Special Report: Cycling (28 comments)

When you're cycling you generally try to avoid actually flying through the air, especially if you're no longer attached to your bicycle. That's where things went wrong for me yesterday.
by Adrian Duyzer
Published April 04, 2014 in Special Report: Cycling (24 comments)

City Streets Engineered for 70-100 km/h
Our traffic engineers are actively enabling dangerous lawbreaking by motorists. This is not just hypocritical and immoral, it is also extremely dangerous.
by Nicholas Kevlahan
Published April 04, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (52 comments)

Heisenberg, or Thirteen ways of Getting to Work
A memoir is necessarily about memory and memory is necessarily about loss - a loss that is filled in with imagination.
by Mark Fenton
Published April 04, 2014 in Photo Essay (0 comments)

Baby-Steps Citizens Panel on Two-Way Conversion Scares Councillors
Even an all-wards citizens' panel to consider the two-way conversions that Council already approved over a decade ago is too radical for some councillors.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 03, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (20 comments)

Time to Issue a Recall on Hamilton's Unsafe Streets
Our streets are designed for fast driving, and that has made them far more dangerous than average. When are we going to 'recall our streets' to fix their fatal design flaws?
by Nicholas Kevlahan
Published April 02, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (19 comments)

Hamilton Deserves Better than Knee-Jerk Populism
This is not just some "culture war" drama but a life-and-death struggle to make this city safe for its own citizens - and particularly its most vulnerable residents.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 02, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (41 comments)

Entire City to be Converted to One-Way
Council votes unanimously to close the book on the failed two-way conversion experiment and revert every street citywide to one-way.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 01, 2014 in Fiction (22 comments)

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