Christmas 2016 Wish List
onsider for one moment how differently things could have played out for Nuseiba Hasan and Elana Fric-Shamji, and her three children, if just one person had spoken up in time.
by Doreen Nicoll
Published December 24, 2016 in Healing Gaia (1 comment)
Snow Clearing Good Enough for the Likes of You
A nice big wall of snow was left blocking the bike lane on Herkimer four days after the last snowfall.
by Kevin Love
Published December 24, 2016 in Eyes on the Street (3 comments)
Those Christians and their Crazy Priorities
Suppose everyone put people first, put the needs of people ahead of power and money and the sort of important heritage structures that power and money can build. What kind of world would we then have?
by Kevin Love
Published December 24, 2016 in Opinion (0 comments)
Remarks to Municipal Heritage Committee on 18-28 King Street East
With Canada's sesquicentennial coming up in 2017, we have the responsibility and duty to preserve a nationally important example of pre-Confederation architecture in the heart of Hamilton.
by Nicholas Kevlahan
Published December 16, 2016 in Special Report: Heritage (4 comments)
Friends of the Gore Statement to Heritage Committee
Ownership of important buildings like these is a responsibility. That is why the Heritage Act exists - to ensure that the short-term private interests of temporary owners do not overtake the long-term value of shared community assets.
by RTH Staff
Published December 15, 2016 in Special Report: Heritage (3 comments)
The Push: Free Online Screening on Sunday, December 11
The Push is a film about how institutions don't keep up and about how much those enmeshed in the political processes avoid transparency and accountability.
by Zena Hagerty
Published December 11, 2016 in Events (0 comments)
Right-Wing Populism and the Disappearance of Shame
What happens to a liberal democracy when its leaders have no sense of shame? What happens to civil politics when politicians simply refuse to be civil?
by Ryan McGreal
Published December 09, 2016 in Special Report: Extremism (6 comments)
Remembering the Montreal Massacre
It's time to share the story with all of our children so they know the truth and so that history does not repeat itself.
by Doreen Nicoll
Published December 07, 2016 in Healing Gaia (1 comment)
Bike Licencing is Just Fundamentally Bad Policy
It would take 810,000 people riding bikes to do as much cumulative damage to the road as one person driving an SUV.
by Ryan McGreal
Published December 02, 2016 in Special Report: Cycling (11 comments)
The Theatre of Life
In a world where 1.3 billion tons of food are thrown away annually, Theatre of Life raises awareness about the enormous environmental and human impacts of food waste.
by Doreen Nicoll
Published December 02, 2016 in Healing Gaia (0 comments)
Visual Learning Helps Students with Autism
A picture is worth a thousand words. Perhaps in the future, there will be enough of the autistic population or others with alternative learning abilities to support whole schools using visual learning strategies.
by Debra Hughes
Published December 02, 2016 in Commentary (1 comment)
AGH and HPO Present The Music of Strangers
Because The Music of Strangers celebrates diversity, it is a film of utmost importance now when xenophobia plagues many places of the world.
by Jonathan Lambert
Published December 02, 2016 in Arts and Music (0 comments)
Woman Abuse Prevention Month and the Good Men in My Life
Thank you to all of the wonderful men in my life who are taking a stand to eradicate violence against women and girls.
by Doreen Nicoll
Published December 02, 2016 in Healing Gaia (0 comments)
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