Articles from April, 2012

Second Annual 'Bike for Mike' This Sunday
The goal of the annual Mike ride is to provide a bicycle to every child in Hamilton.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 30, 2012 in Events (6 comments)

Vranich Shares Details of Downtown Development Plan
Darko Vranich plans to add five storeys to the Revenue Canada building and convert it into condos, as well as adding a multi-level garage and attracting a drug store, LCBO and grocery store at street level.
by Eric McGuinness
Published April 30, 2012 in Downtown Bureau (29 comments)

Can The Bicycle Save Ontario?
An aging and increasingly unhealthy population is propelling Ontario's growing health care expenditures, but a systematic shift to active, human-powered travel would make us all healthier - and fix Ontario's deficit in the process.
by Adrian Duyzer
Published April 29, 2012 in Special Report: Cycling (6 comments)

Cirque du Soleil: Dralion at Copps Coliseum
Dralion is a study in exuberance and dazzling verticality: a thematic melange that strings together one superlative performance after another.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 26, 2012 in Reviews (5 comments)

The Challenge of Crossing Downtown on a Bicycle
While the root of this problem is our unfortunate legacy of megaprojects and one-way streets, there's at least one potential quick fix.
by John Neary
Published April 23, 2012 in Special Report: Cycling (28 comments)

Intelligence Insults Part 3
In which we take a literary turn.
by Michelle Martin
Published April 23, 2012 in Belonging (1 comment)

Home Run for Peak Oil
There is almost no 'forward ability' or potential for global oil demand to grow at even rates of around 1.5% a year for more than 1 or 2 years before actual physical shortage onsets.
by Andrew McKillop
Published April 23, 2012 in Special Report: Peak Oil (18 comments)

Ward Imbalance Underrepresents Less Affluent Residents
While much of the commentary over Hamilton's ward representation focuses on the urban/suburban split, the more glaring imbalance is in representation by income.
by John Neary
Published April 20, 2012 in Commentary (25 comments)

Walk in Someone Else's Shoes
The casual use of insults about intelligence can impede people with real intellectual disabilities, not only by contributing to stereotypes but also by deterring them from asking for help when they need it.
by Michelle Martin
Published April 19, 2012 in Belonging (7 comments)

Intelligence Insults Should Insult Our Intelligence
Pejorative terms based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or appearance are not allowed in polite company. Words that insult one's intelligence ought to be treated with the same shock and disdain.
by Michelle Martin
Published April 17, 2012 in Belonging (27 comments)

Erroneous Data, Poor Communication Taint School Closure Recommendation
Given that the rationale for this ARC was predicated on an error, and given staff's lack of forthrightness in revealing this error and its implications on the wrongful PTR designation, the only fair and just outcome for this ARC is status quo.
by Mary Louise Pigott
Published April 16, 2012 in Commentary (9 comments)

Record Store Day
On April 21, take part in the celebration of that great institution of music culture - the record store.
by Kevin Wiens
Published April 16, 2012 in Commentary (2 comments)

AIESEC McMaster Attracting Globally Minded Citizens
A globalizing economy is the next economic transformation affecting Hamilton. AIESEC McMaster is a local chapter of a worldwide NGO that pairs local businesses with international interns to further this change and satisfy the diverse needs of both parties
by Kevin Carmona-Murphy
Published April 13, 2012 in Commentary (6 comments)

Hamilton Must Become a Learning City
Cities that encourage high levels of education and collaboration are better able to reinvent themselves to a changing world than cities locked into low-skilled labour in monoculture industries.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 11, 2012 in Special Report: Creative City (27 comments)

2012 Hamilton Transportation Summit an Important Step Toward Complete Streets
The annual Transportation Summit helps to fortify the ideas of sustainable transportation in our collective conscious and creates a forum for city staff to report on their progress and stay focused on improvements.
by Maria Topalovic
Published April 10, 2012 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (4 comments)

Balancing the Books on the Backs of the Poor
As Canada shuffles slowly out of the Great Recession, public spending isn't the problem and ideological cuts aren't the solution.
by Ryan McGreal
Published April 09, 2012 in Editorial (39 comments)

Longwood Road Plan Sacrifices Complete Streets for Cars
Against the city's own objectives, the Longwood Road preferred plan jettisons walkable streets, bike lanes, scaled roadways - any consideration of anything other than cars and trucks.
by Graham McNally
Published April 05, 2012 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (21 comments)

The Integrity 'Gag' Amendment v. Free Speech
The City of Hamilton needs an Integrity Complaint Process that works. The current process is flawed and needs to be fixed, not eliminated.
by Brian Hatch
Published April 04, 2012 in Special Report: Integrity Commissioner (7 comments)

Concerns About Longwood Road Preferred Alternative
Despite calls for better pedestrian and cycling access, the Longwood Road plan prioritizes automobile flow-through over other modes.
by Transportation for Liveable Communities
Published April 04, 2012 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (13 comments)

Muzzle Tough
Councillors vote to silence citizens after they file with Integrity Commissioner.
by Graham Crawford
Published April 02, 2012 in Special Report: Integrity Commissioner (24 comments)

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