Participatory Budget

Help Spend $1 Million on Safe Streets in Ward 2

Voting for the PlanLocal Ward 2 Safe Streets initiative ends on Thursday June 30, 2016.

By Graeme Douglas
Published June 27, 2016

We're entering the final days of the PlanLocal Ward 2 Safe Streets Voting phase! Councillor Jason Farr has dedicated $1 million to improving street safety in Ward 2 and has asked the public for their input on how to spend it. This is an opportunity for the local community to have a direct say in prioritizing the projects that will make their community safer.

Over 2,600 elementary students attend Ward 2 schools
Over 2,600 elementary students attend Ward 2 schools

Any Ward 2 resident - including children - or business owner can now vote for their top ten safe streets projects.

Voting is convenient and easy and takes about 5 minutes. To vote:

  1. Go to
  2. Pick projects important to you
  3. Vote!

Voting List

Hundreds of Ward 2 residents and business owners submitted their safe street ideas during the PlanLocal Identification phase. These ideas resulted in the creation of a voting list of 24 projects, with four project locations in each of the six Ward 2 neighbourhoods.

If you have any questions about the types of interventions proposed in the voting list, please visit our safe streets solutions page.

  1. Augusta and Walnut: Build a new pedestrian crossover across Walnut Street to increase safety for pedestrians travelling to Shamrock Park.
  2. Barton and James: Redesign the intersection to improve sight lines between James Street and Barton Street.
  3. Barton and MacNab: Upgrade the existing intersection with an enhanced all-way stop, including ladder crossings.
  4. Burlington and James: Install a three phase traffic signal across James Street to create a safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.
  5. Cannon and Mary: Install a ladder crossing and additional signage on Mary Street to make a safer crossing for eastbound pedestrians and cyclists.
  6. Caroline and Charlton: Build a new pedestrian crossover across Charlton Avenue to increase safety for pedestrians.
  7. Charlton and James: Install ladder crossings and improve signage at the intersection to make a safer pedestrian crossing in both directions, including the south side of Charlton Avenue.
  8. Emerald and Stinson: Install a speed table (raised pedestrian crossing that brings the road to curb level) across Stinson Street.
  9. Ferguson and Hunter: Build a new pedestrian crossover across Hunter Street to increase safety for pedestrians.
  10. Ferguson and Main: Install a three phase traffic signal across Main Street to create a safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.
  11. Ferrie and MacNab: Upgrade existing intersection to an enhanced all-way stop, including ladder crossings.
  12. Forest and John: Install a three phase traffic signal across John Street to create a safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.
  13. Grant from Stinson to Main: Install 3 speed humps on Grant Avenue to slow down traffic on the street.
  14. Herkimer and Hess: Build a new pedestrian crossover across Herkimer Street to increase safety for pedestrians.
  15. Hunter and Park: Build a new pedestrian crossover across Hunter Street to increase safety for pedestrians when walking to City Hall.
  16. James and Mulberry: Build a new pedestrian crossover across James Street to increase safety for pedestrians.
  17. James and Robert: Upgrade existing intersection with a new pedestrian crossover across James Street to increase safety for pedestrians.
  18. James and Robinson: Improve signage and restrict left-hand turns from Robinson Street onto James Street to improve safety at this intersection.
  19. Mary and Wilson: Install a three phase traffic signal across Wilson Street to create a safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.
  20. Murray from James to Bay: Install two speed humps along Murray Street to slow down traffic on the street.
  21. NHCHC (Picton Street) Path: Upgrade the pathway at the NHCHC by paving and improving the current pathway connecting Picton Street between Hughson Street and John Street.
  22. Picton at Hughson and John: Upgrade intersections on Picton Street at Hughson Street and John Street with enhanced all-way stops, including ladder crossings, to improve access to Bennetto School and NHCHC.
  23. Stinson Bike Lanes: Repair the bike lanes on Stinson Street by resurfacing the street from Wellington Street to Wentworth Street.
  24. Stinson and Wellington: Upgrade existing intersection to a pedestrian crossover across Wellington Street to increase safety for pedestrians.

Click on our interactive map to learn more about each project. Each Ward 2 neighbourhood has at least four projects, with several helping to connect neighbourhoods together.

For more information on how the voting list was created, please visit the Voting List Development page on the PlanLocal website.

Final Voting Phase

You still have an opportunity to have your say on safe streets in your community. If you haven't voted yet, please take the time to vote online or at a voting location in your community.

If you have voted, then you can encourage your friends, your kids, your neighbours, and your colleagues to get out and vote. The more popular a project is, the more likely it will be built, so we encourage you to organize your community around the projects that are most important to you!

Graeme Douglas is an Associate with Civicplan, which provides innovative land use planning, community engagement, and research services to the public, non-profit, and private sectors. For more information, go to


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By jason (registered) | Posted June 28, 2016 at 06:50:12

Fantastic list of projects. Ferguson and Main, yes PLEASE.

Do the Ward 2 boundaries shift at all north of Main? Surprising to see nothing proposed for the speed-ways of Victoria/Wellington and Wentworth. In fact, there's nothing proposed N of Main between Mary and Wentworth.

Comment edited by jason on 2016-06-28 06:50:41

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By rednic (registered) | Posted June 28, 2016 at 07:55:56

Border is Wellington North of Main (?) Ward 3. Safety in ward 3 consists buying overdose antidote kits, since OHIP won't provide them with opiates.

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By KevinLove (registered) | Posted June 28, 2016 at 08:37:15 in reply to Comment 119601

I note that at Ferguson and Main the cheap, crappy asphalt substitute for a proper curb cut has half broken away. This is inspiring me to take a photograph and send it in.

The projects are entirely driven by citizen submissions. If there is "nothing proposed N of Main between Mary and Wentworth" that is because nobody proposed it.

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By gdouglas131 (registered) - website | Posted June 28, 2016 at 09:03:00 in reply to Comment 119601

Thanks for your questions, Jason. Wellington is the boundary of the Ward north of Main. It only juts out to Wentworth south of Main to include the Stinson neighbourhood.

Here's a map of the Ward:

The projects on the final voting list are the four most popular projects from each neighbourhood that were not already planned or that did not have other conflicts. Mary had a couple of popular locations but the streets to the east didn't have the same popular support.

You can find out more about the voting list development here:

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By jason (registered) | Posted June 28, 2016 at 09:24:30 in reply to Comment 119604

great to hear. Thx for the reply! re: Kevin Love below, thx to you as well for the reply. Too bad nobody on Wellington submitted painted buffered bike lanes like those on York Blvd.

Regardless, this list looks fantastic. I expect many of these could be done for $1 million.

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