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Graeme Douglas is an Associate with Civicplan, which provides innovative land use planning, community engagement, and research services to the public, non-profit, and private sectors. For more information, go to civicplan.ca.
Help Spend $1 Million on Safe Streets in Ward 2 - Voting for the PlanLocal Ward 2 Safe Streets initiative ends on Thursday June 30, 2016. Published June 27, 2016 in Participatory Budget
PlanLocal: Building Safer Streets In Ward 2 - We encourage anyone who lives or owns a business in Ward 2 to identify their unsafe locations and potential solutions online or at a location in their neighbourhood. Published May 05, 2016 in Special Report: Walkable Streets
Light Rail Transit Infographic - To be a truly great city, we need a 21st century transportation network that drives our economy and promotes prosperity for every person who calls Hamilton home. Published October 22, 2014 in Special Report: Light Rail
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