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Ned Nolan lives with his family near the Pearl Street bridge and is a lawyer with the downtown firm Nolan Ciarlo, LLP.
One City With a Shared Interest in High-Quality Modern Transit - Do not bow to the tireless effort of the cynics and naysayers who have turned the LRT discussion into a negative and divisive narrative of us-against-them. Published April 09, 2017 in Special Report: Light Rail
Restoring Gore Vibrancy Needs Proud Stewardship, Not More Demolitions - Neglect, speculation, and lack of vision: That is what is standing in the way of a prosperous streetscape on the Gore. Published January 10, 2017 in Special Report: Heritage
Shared Assets at Stake in Gore Building Demolition - The purpose of the Ontario Heritage Act is to bridge the gap between the public interest and a property owner without vision, who is driven to destroy for short-term gain. Published April 25, 2016 in Special Report: Heritage
A Bridge Over Troubled Politics - In the upcoming municipal election, I'm going to remember the symbolism of the bridge. I'm going to cheer for the great things that we can accomplish when we work together. Published October 21, 2014 in Opinion
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