Articles from August, 2014

Yet Another Disappointment for Parkview Students
At the last minute, the School Board has reneged on its promise to transition Parkview Principal Paul Beattie to Mountain Secondary, where Parkview students are attending while a new North high school is under construction.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 29, 2014 in Special Report: Education (9 comments)

Centenary United May be Headed Toward Demolition
As Centenary Church looks toward demolition, we need to talk about the future of church buildings.
by Joey Coleman
Published August 28, 2014 in Special Report: Heritage (9 comments)

Bratina Has Makings of a Good Backbencher
Given his track record as Mayor of Hamilton, he has the potential to make a good backbench Member of Parliament as long as he holds his tendency to manufacture drama in check.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 28, 2014 in Federal Election 2015 (18 comments)

Harper Government is Terrified of Data
If the evidence contradicts the ideology, your choice is either to change the ideology or suppress the evidence.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 27, 2014 in Editorial (13 comments)

School Boards Reflect Our Cultural Priorities
If we want neighbourhood schools that kids can walk to, we need to build and maintain neighbourhoods where people walk.
by Sean Hurley
Published August 25, 2014 in Special Report: Education (19 comments)

Look at the Numbers: Internal Transit More Important to Hamilton
We shall always have naysayers, those who cannot see the future, and we must abide them and respect their opinions. However, proud cities are never built by doing nothing.
by Peter Hill
Published August 20, 2014 in Special Report: Light Rail (35 comments)

Active Transportation Infrastructure Roundup
Reviewing the good, the not-so-good, and the downright bizarre in recent additions to the city's network of active transportation infrastructure.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 18, 2014 in Special Report: Cycling (42 comments)

Term Limits Are a Solution: Not the Best, Just the Easiest, Sort Of (Candidate Submission)
Term limits help create a more diverse culture of change and foster new leadership opportunities, but they also open up some serious concerns that cannot be overlooked.
by Daniel Rodrigues
Published August 18, 2014 in Municipal Election 2014 (18 comments)

Busy Council Agenda Today
Today's Council meeting will give councillors the chance to ratify a number of important decisions made by committees this week.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 15, 2014 in Downtown Bureau (17 comments)

Newer Renderings of 467 Charlton Development
New renderings of the planned development at 467 Charlton Avenue East more accurately reflect the size, shape and placement of the buildings and trees on the site.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 14, 2014 in Downtown Bureau (39 comments)

Strategic Road Safety Program Part of New City Commitment to Safe Streets
After decades of stonewalling efforts to make neighbourhood streets safer, the Public Works Department finally seems to be taking complete streets seriously.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 13, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (12 comments)

Pearl Company Summer Canadian Theatre Festival: A Set of One-Person Shows
This year's Festival is now three weekends long, with shows upcoming on August 15, 16, 22 and 23.
by Mackenzie Kristjon Jenkyns
Published August 12, 2014 in Events (0 comments)

Commit Fully to Two-Way Complete Streets on Wentworth, Sanford and Victoria
I hope we can see this conversation happen soon in Hamilton, as it would be of huge benefit to this entire neighbourhood from the escarpment right to the north end.
by Jason Leach
Published August 12, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (16 comments)

Residents Concerned About 467 Charlton Development
It's a bit strange that so much opposition should well up against a five- and six-storey residential infill development on the former site of a one-storey taxi/limo/ambulance depot.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 11, 2014 in Downtown Bureau (34 comments)

King and Dundurn Needs Better Than Suburban Development
The plan the gets the most elementary stuff spectacularly wrong - and on a site that needs to be far more urban in its basic design.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 08, 2014 in Downtown Bureau (30 comments)

King Street West in Dundas: Opportunities for Improvement and Lessons for Hamilton
We have compelling examples of how a lively urban street works right in our own city, but we stubbornly refuse to draw the obvious conclusions.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 08, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (13 comments)

We Are Already Well Past 'Peak Driving'
If we truly seek a prosperous future, it lies in a real commitment to revitalized urban centres that set us on a path to economic sustainability and social inclusion.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 06, 2014 in Special Report: Walkable Streets (19 comments)

Recently Disappeared Street Art Raises Challenges, Possibilities
The Downtown BIA recently removed a reproduction of an Alfred Joyce painting on a utility box on King William. Is there some way to restore it?
by Eric McGuinness
Published August 05, 2014 in Arts and Music (6 comments)

Bratina Continues to Sow Misinformation on LRT in Radio Interview
The Mayor who has spent his term incomprehensibly trying to confuse and undermine that same LRT plan stayed in form on Wednesday.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 01, 2014 in Special Report: Light Rail (14 comments)

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