Articles from June, 2010

Police Chiefs and Premiers
Bogus weapons caches, secret orders-in-council, imaginary special police powers, widespread abuses of peaceful protesters: Premier McGuinty and Chief Blair have some serious explaining to do.
by Lorne Warwick
Published June 30, 2010 in Opinion (37 comments)

A Fast-Track to Failure: Council Promises to Vote on Airport Lands Before Election
Air transport is a risky growth strategy in an energy-constrained future, and uses that are not airport-related do not need to be near the airport. So why are we still determined to open up the Airport Employment Growth District?
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 29, 2010 in Special Report: Aerotropolis (23 comments)

Mass Protests or Community Building?
A successful movement needs to be quick on its feet and adapt, and the goal has to be one of winning over people to our idea of the common good that we can build together.
by Michael Borrelli
Published June 28, 2010 in Opinion (21 comments)

Exceptionalism is as tempting as it is precisely because it provides an excuse not to go through the effort of changing.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 21, 2010 in Editorial (58 comments)

Portland Plan Should Inspire Hamilton
Other North American cities are surging ahead with revitalized downtowns and booming economies. The only thing holding Hamilton back is an outdated mindset that refuses to change with the times.
by Jason Leach
Published June 17, 2010 in Downtown Bureau (90 comments)

BP and the Petro-Apocalypse
The 2010 BP disaster is also a disaster for oil apologists and cornucopians, because it finally opened the public's eyes to the extreme risk that offshore drilling really entails.
by Andrew McKillop
Published June 16, 2010 in Special Report: Peak Oil (13 comments)

A Welcoming City for Immigrants
It should concern us all when immigrants - and the new ideas, new approaches to problem solving, new music and art they bring wiht them - feel marginalized and unwelcome in our city.
by Christopher Kiely
Published June 16, 2010 in Opinion (94 comments)

Hamilton: The City that Refuses to Pivot
Effective leaders approach policy with curiosity and an open-minded willingness to follow the evidence where it leads. They change their minds when the facts change.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 15, 2010 in Special Report: Creative City (38 comments)

HPD to Council: Don't Accept Aerotropolis Secondary Plan
When Hamiltonians learn that their property taxes are going to be raised to subsidize the destruction of our farmland, it is safe to say that they will become rather more interested in the AEGD.
by Michael Desnoyers
Published June 14, 2010 in Opinion (36 comments)

The Core Issue of Transportation
We need to recognize that we have pushed automobiles into roles for which they are ill-suited, simply because we have lost sight of what transportation is all about.
by Alasdair Rathbone
Published June 11, 2010 in Commentary (15 comments)

Waste More Want More
In the wake of the highly predictable, not-even-slightly-surprising BP Gulf disaster, we can ask the news media to dust off energy demand management and recycle root-and-branch energy savings from its present "don't talk about that one" status.
by Andrew McKillop
Published June 11, 2010 in Special Report: Peak Oil (12 comments)

A smile, sometimes, is a pebble tossed into a pond needing change.
by Kevin Somers
Published June 10, 2010 in Entertainment and Sports (4 comments)

Council Approves Modified Truck Route
While the Chamber decries Council tinkering with the plan in response to citizen complaints about safety, the plan itself amounted to little more than tinkering with the patchwork that preceded it.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 10, 2010 in Special Report: Truck Routes (4 comments)

A New Truck Route Needs New Standards
An effective Truck Route Master Plan must take into account different truck sizes, distinguish through traffic from local traffic, and proceed from clear evidence, not assumptions.
by Daniel Rodrigues
Published June 09, 2010 in Special Report: Truck Routes (16 comments)

Open Letter to Council: 54 Years Is Long Enough
The power to take through trucks off city streets is in Council's hands. Will you become part of the solution, or continue to hold our city back?
by Jason Leach
Published June 08, 2010 in Special Report: Truck Routes (23 comments)

We Need Livable Neighbourhoods, Not More Studies
We don't need more studies to tell us what we already know about the corrosive effects of through trucks on city neighbourhoods. What we need is a real commitment to making our city livable.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 08, 2010 in Special Report: Truck Routes (20 comments)

City Hall Reno Photo Tour: Part 2
Much of the interior of the building and many of the exterior features have been retained and even enhanced. It is still an artistic, architectural treasure in downtown Hamilton.
by Jason Leach
Published June 07, 2010 in Special Report: City Hall (4 comments)

Open Streets Hamilton: A City Built for People
The first Open Streets on James North was an inspiring proof of concept. The next step for this city is to make Open Streets Hamilton a monthly or even weekly event.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 06, 2010 in City Life (23 comments)

Garage Conversion Diversion
Why does it always feel as if City Hall is in the business of doing nothing more than fining us, punishing us, and trying to squeeze us for every drop?
by Ben Bull
Published June 02, 2010 in Accidental Activist (47 comments)

Toronto: Yesterday's Development Lessons for Tomorrow
Toronto managed to avoid being hollowed out by its suburbs, mainly because the city itself continued to grow dense and diverse in its own built form and character.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 01, 2010 in Special Report: Creative City (15 comments)

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