Comment 97250

By Stinson (registered) | Posted January 28, 2014 at 09:59:25 in reply to Comment 97248

Unfortunately, with many other options available adapt = shop elsewhere. I believe everyone's heart is in the right place: Success of Hamiltons Farmers Market and its history. I am a big supporter of the farmers market unfortunately my attendance has withered over the last couple years with inconsistent stall opening/closing. The rest is just window dressing to me. The products are the most important aspect to my shopping experience. Some notable stalls that have shown me that they know their offering is the big draw: Sam's Cheese, The Bakery Lady, the Flower guy with the old school change belt and a few of the produce stalls. However, I drive to Paris ontario to a small independant farmers mini market for my cucumbers (pickles) and strawberries (jam) every year because the farmers market has let me down time and time again for my preserves.

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