Comment 82676

By Sigma Cub (anonymous) | Posted November 08, 2012 at 08:43:03 in reply to Comment 82665

Agree that there are lots of options but IMHO few spaces that satisfy the end goal of "a larger store with a proper street presence." For all its streetwall JS has limited functional access.

You could move the retailer just east of The Honest Lawyer, you could take over the Old Druxy's run just North of the Desjardins Credit Union, you could annex the clothing store, the Grand & Toy and the newly relocated Joseph's... or you could just renovate a large vacant space on York and improve the mall access.

It might be moot, really. The LCBO's comfort zone on new stores seems to be big box. My impression -- and I'd love to be wrong -- is that the more compact "urban format" stores tend to be sited in areas with high-density residential populations.

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