Comment 75965

By Michael Furey (anonymous) | Posted April 16, 2012 at 07:53:12

It's an old family Tomb with a newer bricking of the old "door" and it's built into the old tunnel from the War of 1812 that runs through the cemetery, under York Blvd. to Dundurn (though it predates the "castle"). Dundurn was where many soldiers were billeted in the old barn and older (no longer standing) residence that existed before Sir Alan MacNab had his home built there.

There are a few other tombs built into the burm - near the main entrance of the cemetery - including the Tuckett family tomb. Tuckett was the "Tobacco Baron" that had the Scottish Rites "Castle" built (King/Queen)...that was the family home - AND he had his own Vaudeville Theatre built into it!
Have a close look at the Tuckett tomb and the one next to it...Tuckett's seems to be covered in a layer of soot, while the one next to it is not.

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