Comment 74321

By jason (registered) | Posted February 14, 2012 at 09:18:57 in reply to Comment 74316

I'm more interested in going back to a Board of Control type of set-up like we used to have where members are elected at large and represent the entire city....only after we've redrawn the boundaries however. Right now the suburbs hold a disproportionate amount of power and would surely elect a board with potentially devastating effects on the urban city. Or perhaps council should be elected at large??
Imagine having the passion and forward thinking leadership of Russ Powers or Brian Mchattie being applied on a city-wide level....on the flip side, imagine Ward 3 (who's had a councillor not live in the area in years and has stagnated more than anywhere else in the city) having councillors looking out for it's interests and not just leaving it up to the local rep? There's some options that could work towards moving Hamilton forward when it comes to council representation.

Comment edited by jason on 2012-02-14 09:25:50

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