Comment 71184

By jason (registered) | Posted November 09, 2011 at 17:47:23 in reply to Comment 71180

I was almost going to go with NYC as my outside reference due to the massive shift in cycling infrastructure that has taken place there, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to send the above video to council (I sent this blog as an email to council before posting it here). I mean, look at the screen shot of the video - that could be anywhere in Hamilton. It's such a perfect model for us to follow - mid size city once run down and struggling, but has now found a world-wide niche simply by investing in some of these simple quality of life things (and not so simple, like LRT, flex zoning etc...)
The fact that Portland is so easily used as a model for us over and over should give us some impetus to get moving and not constantly say no anytime a remotely new idea comes across the desk.

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