Comment 65859

By bykeryder (anonymous) | Posted July 08, 2011 at 14:57:51

It will be enough when we can start accomodating people who don't have cars and don't want cars. I'm not against the car (for the record). I own one myself!
I recently went to Toronto to meet with some friends on Queen St. I haven't been in years. I was struck at how pedestrian and bike friendly Toronto has become. There were bikes and bike racks all over Queen Street. There were street cars, outdoor patios and lastly, cars. I say cars last because there were more bikes and pedestrians. Last summer, I was in Ottawa and the same thing- pedestrian streets, open markets with no cars allowed, hundreds of bikes etc. It was acceptable to be a young urban professional and have a bicycle. We need to be more forward thinking in this city.

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