Comment 53775

By Calgary mike (anonymous) | Posted December 24, 2010 at 07:56:16

There is nothing more sickening in a democracy than people who use the phrase "our money" when talking about taxpayer dollars. If governments listened to this group of negative short sighted small thinkers nothing would ever get accomplished. The average persons city tax dollars paid over a lifetime wouldn't pave a km of a road.

Great cities need to have leadedlrship that gets things done, if Hamilton loses the tigercats you become a nothing city. I wouldnt even consider moving my family there or even visit. This story also makes you look like buffoons. You can argue the minutia of it all you want but it seems to the rest of the country that having the principle tenant of a building pleased might kind of make sense??

I'm sure there will be plenty of green space left for everyone in 50 years when everyone has left for a place that knows how to get things done

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