Comment 53770

By SayItAin'tSo (anonymous) | Posted December 23, 2010 at 23:25:43

Why is it that whenever an intelligent debate is going on, Jason has to put in his nonsensical comments. Stop pitting the suburbs agains the city, Jason. Suburbanites pay more in taxes than you do because their houses tend to be worth more. Also, suburbanites pay for police services in spite of the fact that most of the calls and crime is in the core area of the city. Suburbunites pay for sewer overflow tanks even though the combined sewers are in the old part of the city.

Suburbanites pay for welfare in the city to benefit most of the recipients in the inner core.

And so on and so on....but you know, suburbunites don't overly begrudge this until idiots like you try to smear their noses in it!

Suggestion for Jason...type your rants but don't push the send button. We will both be happy:you for getting it off your chest and us for not having to read drivel.

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