Comment 31246

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted May 23, 2009 at 15:29:59

How many tickets do you suppose are written every year/month/day for speeding/fail to stop/illegal turn etc. for motorists? How many are written for cyclists? pedestrians? skate boarders? skaters? I have no problem with motorists getting tickets and the rules of the road being enforced in fact I am a big proponent of both red light cameras and speeding cameras. But please stop the whining about how cyclists and pedestrians are picked on. Both "tribes" routinely and flagrantly flaunt the few rules of the road that one would expect them to follow and they put their lives in the hands of those evil speeding motorists and surprisingly those awful drivers manage not to kill the pedestrians in the overwhelming majority of cases.

The only double standard that exists on our roads is that motorists, always take a backseat to everyone else on the road. Nobody else needs to prove that they know the rules of the road. Motorists pay huge amounts of taxes for the "privilege" of driving. Without the the huge volumes of cash our governments get from gas taxes alone they would be bankrupt in no time. Please take a pill and get a grip on reality.

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