Comment 27277

By tear it down (anonymous) | Posted November 11, 2008 at 17:01:40

In regards to "whatever"; So be it if I'm not a true east-ender. I'm not torn up about it but I do live in the area and pay my taxes here just like everyone else. Good for you that you are a true east-ender. Regardless, not really the point here. The "people watchers" was a term they used themselves. I'm making a point regarding the successfulness of businesses anywhere regardless of demographic or stereotype as you were so eager to point out. Its fine that people go and sit and watch but if they aren't going to support the businesses that provide them with that luxury then who are they to complain about the changes being made in order to strum up that business that is so badly need there.
Its also quite presumptuous of you to state that today's youth are attached so heavily to social assistance because as recent reports show the net-geners are doing quite well for themselves and are projected to be and proving to be the most successful generation yet. I know because I am one of those successful net-geners. Granted I learned a lot from my predecessors and I appreciate it.

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