Comment 13767

By trey (registered) | Posted November 08, 2007 at 10:49:46

pesticides and wood are equally dangerous?

So everything is dangerous 'in this day and age' so let's just forget about safety and mitigating any hazardous substances. In fact let's allow lead paint in Canada, let's go back to smoking everywhere, let's forget about leash laws, let's take down all speed limits, let's forget about WHIMIS, That doesn't makes sense. Bottom line is it's a dangerous substance and has no place being on lawns and playgrounds. The benefit of a green, weed-free lawn DOES NOT out way the cancer it causes. Smoking in public and drinking and driving are just two examples dangerous behaviours that have been banned. It's just time now for cosmetic pesticides to go the same route.

I guess we'll have to wait for McQuinty to make a province-wide ban.

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