Comment 115209

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted November 27, 2015 at 18:37:38 in reply to Comment 115205

....and y'know, that 3-lane Aldberdeen proposal already moves 25,000 cars daily in some other cities.

Indeed, it is not an International Village style bottleneck being proposed for Alberden, here. It's just a fairly minor slowdown tantamount to a lowered speed limit.

There's many who's still upset about that bottleneck, after all these years. Even upset at James Street North, too. The fist swinging back then, and the blood splatters in the boxing ring...

The silver lining, though, we no longer see Mountain city councillors upset about James St N anymore, unlike back in the day of the fateful 2-way conversion. Just only a very few smattering of a few residents complaining after all these years, most conceding how well it has turned out.

(...BTW, we're hunting the Archives for old ~1992 photography of the run-down James St N 1-way urban expressway, complete with shuttered storefronts back in the aftermath of the 1991 recession, the steel decimation, and Eaton Centre bankruptcy, for comparative purposes. Leads welcome! It was a very unmemorable street back then, tantamount to pre-Internet era, and thus very hard to find a large trove of old photos of James St N.)

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2015-11-27 19:42:52

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