Comment 115208

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted November 27, 2015 at 17:51:38 in reply to Comment 115207

...Okay, a positive spin: Hamilton did successfully vote for a fairly progressive slate of Lower City councillors. And we did vote in for a mayor descended from progressive Amsterdam. And I spent an hour talking with the amazingly engaging JP Danko -- of Ward 6 candidacy -- at the Hamilton Citizen Jury meeting. So if my positivity helps residents decide to warm up to voting for him, then perhaps I've done my little bit. We are arguably in a better situation than Brampton, with more pro-LRT mindset locally as an example.

I'd rather let unleash Ryan McGreal et al and do the loudly important call-outs that needs to be raised and being hammered (pun intended) loudly on the issues. RTH does a very important and critical job here and absolutely must keep it up, without fail.

That said, we know Hamilton also simultaneously need positive spokespeople/diplomats during Hamilton's generational transition and recovery, as Hamilton is also starving for positivity in the general negative Hamilton sentiment ("can't have it here", "it'll never happen" mentalities) -- as you are all most familiar.

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2015-11-27 19:05:35

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