Comment 115202

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted November 27, 2015 at 17:34:43 in reply to Comment 115199

the LRT is just a step to the ultimate goal of cordoning off the downtown from the rest of Hamilton.

1) Whitehead has voted in favour of the LRT, repeatedly.

2) Nobody is cordoning off downtown. The LRT provides better integration between Westdale (not downatown) the North End (not downtown) and the East End (not downtown). It would have gone clear to Eastgate (also not downtown) if not for funding problems and a stubborn councilor.

The argument in question is primarily about Aberdeen. Aberdeen is a minor artery being used as a major artery, despite that it is in the heart of a residential area. It is also not downtown. Would you want to live on a 4-lane high-speed road with small children with no grassy boulevard or anything separating the sidewalk from fast traffic? Of course not. So don't ask people along Aberdeen to do so.

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