Comment 115200

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted November 27, 2015 at 17:28:06 in reply to Comment 115197

Bike lanes are made of paint and signage. That's cheap. Building roadway is literally hundreds of times more. For example, the most expensive bike-lane project in the history of the city cost under $800k to build, and that involved planters and traffic lights. That's 4X larger than the city normally budgets for an entire year of cycling improvements. Normally the city spends about $200k.

Meanwhile, there's over $100M in spending planned around Clappison's Corners on road widening and intersection upgrades. That's over 100X larger than the biggest bike lane project you've ever heard of.

Did you even know there's that much money planned to be spent in Waterdown? Did Council debate it? Does anybody care?

You're welcome to be cranky about urbanist designs for our city, but get your numbers straight first.

Bikes are cheap. Pedestrians are cheap. Cars aren't.

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