Comment 104220

By RobF (registered) | Posted August 29, 2014 at 11:49:27 in reply to Comment 104208

Sorry, I had just listened to the church disposition to the committee and associated your comment with Helen Bradley's remarks, especially about the need to downsize facilities to match the reduced size of the congregation and their views about how best to meet their social mission.

Joey's interpretation can be read as pushing the argument further and making a more general statement. I see it less as a comment on Christianity in general and more about the local geographies ... the Hughson Street Baptist Church seems to be flourishing in the North End (they do their service in the local school gym, because they have outgrown their historic church building across the street ... and I understand they plan at some point to build a new church somewhere in the area). A kilometre or so up the road a Baptist church was sold to a developer and mostly demolished ... their were questions about the structural soundness of the building, but I also think the congregation there had dwindled too. Joey's piece raises most of the questions we should be asking, especially those of us who wish to preserve heritage buildings ... it isn't always greed driving things.

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