Comment 104202

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted August 28, 2014 at 16:57:48

They are purpose-built for a limited role, the Sunday worship, that society no longer demands

Kevin’s comment: I somewhat disagree with both statements. Although the specific use will vary from congregation to congregation, I am not aware of any church buildings in Hamilton that were purpose-built for the limited role of Sunday worship.

A good example of this is the Anglican Church’s “Book of Common Prayer” with its instructions for daily morning and evening prayer services. Instructions that include advice to ring the church bell not only to summon the people, but so that those who are working may be able to hear the bell and lift up their hearts to God in the midst of their everyday occupations. The point being that the worship of the community is a 7-day-a-week activity, not a Sunday morning activity.

Next, I must somewhat disagree with the “society no longer demands” statement. It is true that in any particular place needs may change. But that has always been true. For the past 2,000 years particular church buildings have been built and torn down and moved and changed. Indeed, many of Hamilton’s “historic” church buildings contain bits and pieces from previous church buildings.

What is particularly ironic is that when these buildings were being built in the 19th Century, there was no shortage of trendy contemporary commentators, from Karl Marx on downwards, proclaiming the imminent death of Christianity. Today, 150 years later… not much has changed.

Comment edited by KevinLove on 2014-08-28 16:58:13

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