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Maureen Wilson is the Councillor for Ward 1 in Hamilton.
Bike Share Vote a Destructive, Senseless Act Fueled by Spiteful Politics - On full display, this Council term is contempt for those calling for a new kind of politics and reordering of public priorities to make Hamilton more resilient and equitable. Published May 29, 2020 in Special Report: Cycling
Giving Thanks and Setting Course - Ward 1 Councillor-elect Maureen Wilson reflects on the municipal election and her mandate for ward 1 and the city. Published October 25, 2018 in Municipal Election 2018
Two Eggs - One in four Hamiltonians come from cities, towns and villages outside of Canada. How blessed we are to have been chosen. What a responsibility we bear to welcome. What an opportunity we have to learn and live together. Published August 01, 2018 in Municipal Election 2018
Dangerous Populism Depends on Irresponsible Journalism - It's pretty simple to figure out why Doug Ford's $1 billion pledge is a non-starter, and any journalist writing about it should explore whether this promise is even feasible. Published May 01, 2018 in Ontario Election 2018
The Privatization of Beauty in City Building - People are drawn to beauty, even in the harshest of places. And when we are drawn to beauty we are drawn to each other. Published January 19, 2018 in Commentary
'The Law Has Made Him Equal, but Man Has Not' - When the arc of justice bends ever so slightly in the right direction, those with power position themselves as victims, struggling to keep up with the politically correct zealotry of the 'advocates'. Published December 07, 2017 in Commentary
Becoming a Mommy Flaneur - Cities have been designed with the needs of men in mind, for a time when women did mostly unpaid work and community work. Women have different transport needs, but these realities are not reflected in our city building efforts. Why not? Published October 23, 2017 in Special Report: Walkable Streets
Politicians Blocking Engaged Citizens on Social Media is Still Censorship - While the medium may have changed, the intent has not. The landscape of time is riddled with the efforts of the few trying to block the freedom of the many. Published October 06, 2017 in Commentary
Truth, Faith and Impartiality - It is dangerous when those seeking political office use ward boundaries not as a tool to engage the electorate in a discussion of representative principles but as a means to spew division, segregation and mistrust. Published September 18, 2017 in Special Report: Ward Boundaries
The Shame and Blame Game - Instead of critiquing a father's decision to let his kids use public transit, we should be talking about the critical importance of public space and social connectedness. Published September 07, 2017 in Commentary
Looking at the Whole Board: Moving Hamilton Beyond Wedge Politics - Successful cities are transformative but they need investments of all kinds, including our time, our energy and our best efforts. But most of all, they need us to believe in the possible. Published April 28, 2017 in Special Report: Creative City
Hamilton Needs to Design for Health and Illness Prevention - This is a time for serious talk and meaningful action. Instead, we have some members of Hamilton City council who would have us get sucked into a time warp. That's a dereliction of duty. Published September 22, 2016 in Special Report: Walkable Streets
Cappucino Planning and the Face of Public Space - We need to ensure that our public spaces are conducive and welcoming to the greatest number of citizens from across the demographic and economic spectrum. Published August 18, 2016 in Commentary
Getting Hamilton Unstuck: An Evening with Doug Saunders - Cities that get stuck experience significant inequalities of income, health outcomes, educational achievement outcomes and pockets of violence. Published February 24, 2016 in Events
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