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Dan Botham is a long-time Hamilton resident with an interest in advancing state of cycling in Hamilton. He is a member of the Hamilton Cycling Committee.
Waterfront Redevelopment Plan Needs Public Transit - Planning a transit corridor through the Pier 7/8 redevelopment before redevelopment begins is an effective way to ensure that we serve our newest urban neighbourhood with convenient rapid transit. Published January 04, 2016 in Special Report: West Harbour
Achieving Target Residential Density Around the West Harbour GO Station - We should look to the opportunities presented by midrise four to six storey buildings and the positive benefits they can bring to our neighbourhood. Published July 24, 2015 in Downtown Bureau
Looking for Cyclists' Feedback on Bay Street South Bumpouts - What has been your experience with the knockdown sticks at intersections along Bay Street South? What cycling accommodations would you like to see when concrete curbs are installed? Published October 10, 2014 in Special Report: Cycling
Cycling Committee Wants Your Hamilton Cycling Photos - The Hamilton Cycling Committee wants your best photos of cycling in Hamilton for use in display materials that will promote Hamilton as a great cycling destination. Published September 08, 2014 in Special Report: Cycling
Cycling Committee Wants Your Feedback on Winter Bike Lane Maintenance - Share your feedback on the bicycle lane winter maintenance pilot project by completing the maintenance survey. Published January 16, 2014 in Special Report: Cycling
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