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Sonja Macdonald is co-founder and research director at the Centre for Community Study. Sonja coordinates the Hamilton Media Project, which seeks to expand the local media diversity in the Hamilton region.
Participate in the Your CBC Hamilton Survey - Now is a good time to engage citizens again on how well the CBC digital service is serving Hamiltonians and how it might improve. Published May 21, 2014 in Media
Time for CBC Hamilton to Up its Game - It is crucially important that CBC is in Hamilton, even in the limited capacity of its current iteration. Yet the service we are currently receiving is not commensurate with other communities across Canada. Published October 11, 2012 in Media
CBC Hamilton Threatened by Cuts - Proposed cuts of up to 10% could jeopardize the CBC's new digital service in Hamilton. Published March 14, 2012 in Commentary
It's Time: CBC Investment in Hamilton - We are heartened to see the CBC's renewed commitment to increasing local radio service in under-served regions like Hamilton, but the work is not over yet. Published February 02, 2011 in Media
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