Doug is part Lab and part German Sheppard and has the best qualities of both breeds, so he's smart and sweet and loyal and loveable.
By Kevin Somers
Published January 24, 2010
When our old dog, Wendel, was getting really old, my wife and daughters went to Hamilton's SPCA on Dartnall Rd, off Rymal, to find her a companion and ease the pain at our having to say goodbye to well-loved friend. They came home with Daisy, a sweet, sweet girl from Louisiana, who was brought to Hamilton after Hurricane Katrina.
In the right circumstances, Daisy is a happy, prancing, fun, funny, loveable dog. She's part Greyhound, so she can run like the wind and watching her fly is uplifting and awe-inspiring for all of us.
However, something bad happened to that poor dog, because as soon as I enter the room Daisy runs to a corner and shakes. At the first opportunity, she bolts.
Daisy was young when we adopted her, so someone was terrorizing a gentle puppy, which is why God had to invent Hell. Surely, He didn't expect that type of behaviour from beings created in His image.
Daisy's manner affirms my notion that crimes against children are particularly reprehensible because some wounds never heal.
A pack animal to her core, Daisy circles outside the room we're in until one of the women folk escorts her inside. Daisy curls up beside one of them and stares at me fearfully the entire time we're together. It's horrible for both of us. After two years of love, treats, and begging, there'd been no progress.
My girls realised how unfun the situation was, so they got me a leash for my last birthday and told me to go back to the SPCA and pick out a dog for myself.
Hooray, said I.
I walked in and saw Doug, who was being called Viva (the outrage!). It was love at first sight. When God was handing out handsome, He heaped a huge, hearty, healthy helping on Dougie. Even his pooping and unpredictable peeing postures are precious.
He's part Lab and part German Sheppard and has the best qualities of both breeds, so he's smart and sweet and loyal and loveable.
Doug is big and strong and, unlike my wife and daughters, loves to play fight. Without hyperbole, Doug is the greatest thing ever in the history of the entire universe.
As well as completing me, Doug inspires great art:
I'm in love again for the very first time
We're a perfect poem of rhythm and rhyme
Walking on sunshine
And feeling nothing but fine
My spirit's been captured
I'm completely enraptured
Who's stolen my heart like a thieving thug?
Not a woman this time, but my new dog, Doug
Daisy loves Doug, too, and he's having a positive influence our relationship. She sees Doug and I having fun together and is beginning to realise I'm OK. Dougie works miracles.
I don't know about E-harmony, Lava-life, or the ads in the back of View Magazine, but if you're seriously looking for love, I recommend the SPCA on Dartnall Rd. Their website is
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