Word on the Street


Join me this day in voting for change in Ward 13 Dundas Maintaining our small town..Supporting our big City

Please access my website for poll locations..

Posted by Marty

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By molly (registered) | Posted October 17, 2010 at 14:23:03

WOW...that's a great eg of magical Thinking...

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By molly (registered) | Posted October 20, 2010 at 19:05:54

Danya - ran a old flea market and raised kids. Yep, that's what we need in City hall??

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By molly (registered) | Posted October 20, 2010 at 20:04:47

As a resident of Dundas for the past 17 yrs I would like to assist you in your decision/platform debates by providing you with some facts re-the recent Warren Park issues. Over 120 LOCAL dundas households signed a petition requesting that the park be made leash-on. The number of dog on dog and, dog on people, attacks have been exponentially growing as people come from all over ( eg cambridge, oakville)to this very small park which is nestled within the HCA, within an ESA. It has been advertised on the internet- and hence the flood of hundreds of cars, their dogs and owners each day! Our motion has also been supported by the HCA and Hamilton Naturalist Club.

To this end both sides of this debate presented to City Council and presented and submitted were a multitude of signed affadavits, letters and plenty of pictures ( which we provided to Council) to prove why this park must be leash on only. The Public Works committee fully supported its closure as a leash free park and Council was unanimous in their vote. All sides of this debate were represented.

Also you may not be aware that a new dog park has been approved this month: http://www.hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/39C0...

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By larry (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 10:02:08

Come on everyone....let's pull together and rally for more dog parks in general. If local people feel this is an issue than who are we to say ( we from hamilton and ancaster etc). As presented to council, over 75% of local warren park people voted against it.

Stand up anyone who votes for putting a dog park in their neighbourhood...come on...stand up. look at what the Delottinville people did when they heard it was a possibility !!

If all your energies were towards a fenced, non-residential area ( with plenty of parking) just think of what could happen.

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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 11:50:13

Since Molly & Larry saw fit to post their derogatory comments about Danya Scime in another thread, I'm going to re-post my response to their negativity here.

These people seem to have Only One Issue to pick about! The Warren Park Leash Free.

(If Danya did a good job of raising her kids & ran a market @ a profit, she's doing better than many of her detractors.)
Here are my comments, & I'd like to 'thank' Larry for copying my view points from another web site to make himself sound less hysterical.

Vote Danya! Dundas Needs a Change of 'Ownership'!!

By Cityjoe (anonymous)
Posted October 21, 2010 10:29:21
@ Larry
Yeah, you made your totally contradictory views know on The 'Warren Park-Loved to Death" website. You say you contribute to "zillions" of animal charities, & yet you call others on their support for leash free areas, telling us that we should be 'out there curing poverty & social ills in the GHA', (& not asking for leash free areas.)

Maybe you should devote some of your 'zillion' dollars. (If you give a dollar to each of them, I guess you must be a 'zillionaire'?) to human charities & change in the GHA, & stop telling others what to do with their money ?

Somebody over on that web site tipped their hand in a Nasty comment that was quickly removed. They seem to want all dogs out of any & all public areas, leashed or not!

After reading a couple of your posts there, I concluded that you are probably not a dog owner, you probably see the leash free as a threat to your property values & that's your whole argument. "Me!" When you are questioned, you get sniffy & tell people to support only people related charities, when you claim to be doing the opposite.

I would also like to ask what happened to the 3500 person petition that Warren Park L.F. Supporters claim that they gave to R. Powers to present to City Council & somehow it never got there?

I'd move to a house near a Fenced L.F. in a heartbeat!
If there were so many problems @ Warren Park, why didn't the City do the sensible thing & fence it, instead of closing it? If people are letting dogs go before they enter the L.F., that's a by-law problem & it should have been enforced. Ditto parking & the rest of it. The City did nothing to help the situation, if there ever was one.

That L.F. has been in Warren Park for 23 years -Have you been there that long?

The City needed to address L.F. years ago. The fact that "Too many people, dogs, cars, etc." are presenting a 'problem' speaks to the fact that their are 'customers' out there -more every day, that Want L.F. Does anybody remember supply & demand?

Neighbourhood L.F.s encourage people to walk their dogs to the L.F. It gets all kinds of people of all ages out exercising, & socializing, not just the dogs. Putting L.F. behind 'The Cineplex @ the End of The Universe' as we saw in Ancaster, promotes just more bumper to bumper experience. Out of sight, & out of mind. A good leash free area is made up of area residents, friends, & neighbours & their dogs! It's not like opening a 'Sporting House' on the outskirts of town. We are people, not the dregs. You don't need to hide us!

My dog was a visiting St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog who visited seniors ever week in the Wentworth Lodge in Dundas. We went every week, & covered every part of that facility, including the dementia ward. He made people happy, & listened to their stories about their own dogs. (Some people ought to act more like a dog, & Visit their parents & grandparents!) To make a long story short, this dog was unwelcome on a leash with his owners & pooper scooper bags @ the ready in our Own #$%^&*!! local park because of a vocal minority who simple didn't want dogs near them & felt 'ownership' of public property!! His behaviour & ours was always exemplary, but that didn't matter to them.

Dog ownership crosses all demographics. Race, religion, language, economic, age, gender, & sexual orientation. We are not a 'special interest group'! We do not become less that human, taxpayers, & voters because we have a dog!

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By larry (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 11:59:37

Sorry to destroy your theory "City Joe"....I have 2 dogs ( rescue) and 1 cat....and I've lived here for 17 years !!

The park is misplaced - within an ESA, HCA etc...but you will never listen, and truly - it doesn't matter.... The park IS closed as of Nov 1 st


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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 12:13:53

No, you don't listen or read & think you should "Man-Up" & tell people what your Real agenda is.

Good thing the Moderator yanked that quickly, but sorry Larry - there is such a thing as 'Cut & Paste'.

It seems everybody who is most vocal about dogs & their 'danger to society' claims to have at least a couple of them. Some of them claim to be 'zillionarires' too.

Ummm...I remember this stuff. "Some of my Best Friends are: Black, Gay, or dogs, so I cannot possibly be biased."? Uh huh.

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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 12:18:35

A vote for Danya is a chance to take control of your own Public Spaces again!

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By larry (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 12:35:27

Sorry my truths don't make your conjectures true city Joe...
...you'd be surprised as to who I am...
Bye Bye :)

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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 12:57:41

Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.

If I had a nickle for every blowhard who's said, "DO You KNOW Who I (EYE!!) am?" to me, I'd have a lot of nickles.

I know What you are. A person who tries to intimidate people. A person who deals in conjecture, & expects his word to be taken 100% of the time, just cuz he's HIM.

(It's both sad & depressing that the people around you indulge you in this fashion.)

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By larry (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 14:52:18

...yep, and people who ' have alot of nickles' (SP??:)) vote for someone based on their support of a dog park. Not an ounce of experience in politics, or is that politicks:)

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By larry (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 15:03:30

Oh City joe...we do this because wrongs need to be righted. for eg - there IS a new dog park - you should all be shouting in joy, but alas, you will never because you didn't get your way.


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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 16:15:37

Lots of 'Politicks' going on in Dundas, I see.

There is a new L.F. in Ward 3 near Barton & Wentworth. I guess you are over the Moon about it cuz it isn't in Dundas. If it was, you'd be out there yapping about it before it even opened.

Let's let the people of Ward 3 decide for themselves if they like it.

(Though, I'm sure You feel that they should benefit from your superior opinions on all things.)

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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 16:22:59

Before you give Ward 3 'the benefit' of your immaculate opinion, maybe you should also ask them if, "They know WHO you are?" :D It might impress them! But probably Not!

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By molly (registered) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 16:39:56

WOW...city joe has alot to add :) But as larry said ...it doesn't really matter...case closed, aka WP leash on as of November 1 st.

Bye/au revoir/ciao ...do you get it Joe !!!! :):):):):):)

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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 18:50:11

I get it, alright! A few of you pulled the right strings & got your way. (but perhaps not for long.)

A petition, (according to the people who collected the names on it) with over 300 names on it was given to your City representative to present to City Council, & it was not presented. (I hope all of those signatories know who to vote for!)

I also hope the same people will object to 'development' around the Park & will take their petitions Directly to City Council as often as necessary.

I'd also like to take you to task for this little gem:
"Danya - ran a old flea market and raised kids. Yep, that's what we need in City hall??"

No wonder we have so few women running Hamilton! Raising children is a liability. Who Knew! I guess only childless people should run for office? So, if you think she is unqualified to run for office; if you have children, does that make you less qualified to venture an opinion?

(I bet she could find her way to City Council with a petition from her community. Maybe that Exactly Who you need " City Hall! :D )

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By Woody10 (registered) | Posted October 22, 2010 at 10:44:48

Russ powers didn't even know how many firemen were in dundas before amalgamation so what does that tell you about his knowledge of his hometown, lol. Danya sounds slightly more intelligent to me.

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By mrgrande (registered) | Posted October 22, 2010 at 14:20:13

Warren Park is extremely popular because it's leash free. We better close it.

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By molly (registered) | Posted October 23, 2010 at 08:03:30

I agree mr grande, as it resides within an ESA ( environmentally sensitive area), is contiguous with conservation trails - both of which are against city bylaw AND provincial legislation. There's a new leash free we are all excited about ( that is, people who really want more leash free areas for their dogs and not just beautiful natural forests for themselves while they walk, for they care about the deer, baby racoons etc):


try it out, and let us know

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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 25, 2010 at 15:30:54

Quote: Mrgrand.
"Warren Park is extremely popular because it's leash free. We better close it.
'Pretty sure MrG. was being sarcastic. :)

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By larrY (anonymous) | Posted October 26, 2010 at 07:46:45

Duh !

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By MAB (registered) | Posted November 05, 2010 at 09:08:52



This park was here before you landed. It will remain, the other park you say should be a park, is totally out too lunch..the people who donated that park Dellotinvilles do not want it as a dog park..

I would ike to have property line assessment then, to see howmany properties along that path, broach their fences lines on Conserservation property.... looking for a foot or two of squatters rights... Your remind me of one of those trolls, who feel they own the public and waterways..

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