Word on the Street

2nd Annual Ontario Bike Summit

  • Date: Monday, September 20, 2010
  • Time: 8 AM
  • Location: Holiday Inn, Burlington, Ontario
  • Address: 3063 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD Burlington, Ontario (Google Maps)

?Are you looking to develop a cycling master plan in your community but don’t know where to start? ?Are you looking for tips and ideas on how to work more effectively with local governments to advance cycling? ?Are you looking for data and research that you will help you “make the case” for enhanced cycling investments and programs in your community? ?Are you interested in creating infrastructure, education and awareness and legislative policies in Ontario to encourage cycling? ?Are you looking to learn about what other communities are doing in the areas of law enforcement initiatives – education and awareness – public health ideas, bicycle tourism? ?Are you looking to be inspired by speakers from bicycle friendly cities in the United States and in Europe?

Then the 2010 Ontario Bike Summit is for you! Join us on Sunday September 19th in Burlington for the “Share the Road for Greg Ride” in memory of OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart, killed on a training ride on his bicycle in Milton in June, 2006. More information on the Ride is available at www.sharetheroad.ca.

Then it’s off to Burlington that evening and the following two days for serious networking, learning and policy discussions. Highlights include:

?Portland Oregon Mayor Sam Adams. Mayor Adams will inspire us with details of how Portland has become a Platinum Bicycle Friendly Community, and one of the most bicycle friendly communities in the United States with a growing bicycle mode share. ?Dutch Cycling Ambassadors from the “Fietsberaad – The Dutch Centre on Bicycle Policy” who share success stories on how decades of providing good bicycle facilities within a consistent and integrated traffic policy have led to an enviable bicycle culture. ?Representatives from Apeldoorn, The Netherlands – Burlington’s twin city will share specific examples of initiatives and infrastructure investments. ?Representatives from municipalities across Ontario who will share their strategies for cycling master planning and cycling promotion ?Representatives from Ontario’s four political parties – the Minister of Transportation The Honorable Kathleen Wynne, Leader of the Official Opposition Tim Hudak, Andrea Horwath, Leader of the NDP and Frank de Jong, Leader of the Ontario Green Party – will share with us their vision for a “Bicycle Friendly Ontario” ?“Go Dutch” Cycling Evening. We’ll close this year’s Summit with a dynamic presentation from representatives from the Fietsberaad, followed by a closing reception on the last day of our Summit. Join us for what promises to be an inspiring and fun networking event.

All this plus social and networking opportunities and our “Celebration of Cycling Evening” on Monday September 20th.

For more information visit: www.sharetheroad.ca


Posted by arienc

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