We are pleased to announce that the Hamilton Community Land Trust (HamiltonCLT) is hosting a series of public workshops in January 2016. The main goals of these workshops are to establish priorities and brainstorm projects for the land trust. At the workshops participants will:
Learn about HamiltonCLT and hear an update on what we’ve accomplished so far
Discover what community land trusts have accomplished in cities like Hamilton
Give your input on the land trust’s priorities for the next five years
Help create a vision for inclusive change in Hamilton
Tell us what you think should be built or preserved on community-owned land
Work with others to develop your ideas into realistic opportunities
The workshops are being held in five locations in the lower city where the land trust will focus our efforts in the first five years.
To Register
Spaces are limited. To register, e-mail allison@hamiltonclt.org with your top workshop choice, and any special accommodations that you require.
Free childcare will be provided upon request at the Perkins Centre workshop. Please specify the number and ages of the children requiring care.
Our Workshop Partners
HamiltonCLT would not have been able to offer these workshops without the ongoing support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation. We would also like to thank the Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton, Hamilton’s Neighbourhood Action Strategy, Evergreen CityWorks, and our incredible team of volunteers for their in-kind contributions.
Posted by hamiltonclt
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