Hamilton Sustainability Professionals Network Presents:
Sustainability Showcase and Networking Event
Experience the Transportation Showcase, Tour Mohawk College's LEED buildings, Learn about Hamilton BikeShare, Expand your Network
Monday April 22, 2014 (Earth Day)
4:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Mohawk College (135 Fennel Ave. West) at the Scotia Bank Cafe (H-Wing)
RSVP(No cost): http://www.eventbrite.ca/o/hamilton-spn-3775020453
You are invited to join the Sustainability Professionals Network at Mohawk College directly after the Hamilton Environmental Summit on Earth Day, April 22nd, for an evening of networking and exploring Mohawk College's H-Wing, a LEED Certified building.
PLEASE RSVP on Eventbrite so we can get approximate numbers
There will be a cash bar in the Scotia Bank Cafe, as well as the interactive travelling exhibit called the Hamilton Transportation Showcase, which asks participants to comment on and chart out the future of the transportation system in Hamilton.
Tours of Mohawk College's LEED Certified buildings and their sustainability initiatives will be offered and there will also be an exhibit on Hamilton's soon to be implemented, Public Bikeshare System. For those who register, yearly bikeshare system memberships will be raffled.
The cost for this event is free and sponsored by the Mohawk College Sustainability Office.
Posted by CynicalIdealist
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