Word on the Street

Planning Kirkendall - first meeting

Planning Kirkendall: First in a series of potlucks and community conversations that will help us make key decisions about what we want for our neighbourhood.

Kirkendall is beginning to face a number of key development/redevelopment decisions, including a proposed seven-story development on Locke Street. It has been difficult to address these kinds of land use questions without an overarching, broadly supported plan that lists our main priorities for the neighbourhood. (The current Kirkendall Secondary Plan was developed in 1982.)

Planning Kirkendall is part of “Know Your Neighbourhood, Grow Your Neighbourhood,” a project that will help Kirkendall residents connect, take stock, and plan for the future. The project has been led by volunteers, including Kirkendall residents Pamela Hubbard, Chandra Rice, Marion Emo, Matt Leighninger, Jennifer Anne Barrett, and Cathy Pead. The first event of this project was a successful “Sowing the Seeds” gathering held last June to see if there is interest in moving forward. Everyone at the session expressed that it’s a good idea.

What will this process produce? In 3-4 meetings, over the next several months, Know and Grow Your Neighbourhood - Planning Kirkendall will help us assess information about the neighbourhood, move further on the themes that emerged at the “Sowing the Seeds” gathering, surface other priorities and concerns, and produce a plan that can help guide decision-making by neighbourhood residents, local officials, city planners, and developers. Councillor Brian McHattie and other local stakeholders will be attending the meeting next week.

If you’re interested in attending and want to help us pull it together, please contact Matt Leighninger at mattleighninger@earthlink.net.


Posted by mattleighninger

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