Word on the Street

The Arab Spring: Seasonal or More Permanent

  • Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2012
  • Time: 6:15pm - 7:45pm
  • Location: McMaster University - The Council Room - Gilmour Hall Room 111
  • Address: 1280 Main Street West (Google Maps)
  • Contact: Mark Williams
  • Email: willims@mcmaster.ca
  • Phone: 416.276.1443

Event Description: Come out and join the Hamilton Branch for an evening discussing the Arab Spring a year and a half later with our distinguished speaker Dr. Atif Kubursi.

Speaker’s biography: Dr. Atif A. Kubursi has taught Economics at McMaster University since 1969. Dr. Kubursi also taught economics at Purdue University in Indiana, USA, was a senior visiting scholar at Cambridge University, UK, and lectured and consulted at Harvard. In 1972, Atif Kubursi formed Econometric Research Limited which he has continuously served as its president. In 1982, he joined the United Nations Industrial Organization as Senior Development Officer. Since then he worked as a team leader of several UNIDO missions to Indonesia, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, and Egypt. In his consulting activities he has specialized in the areas of economic development strategies, impact analysis and regional planning with special emphasis on the environment, tourism and industrial development. He has frequently lectured on globalization issues, economic development, oil and industrialization, impact of tourism on provincial and local economies, political econ omy of development, Arab affairs and on environment-economy linkages.

Admission: Non-Member Price = $2.00 Free for students and CIC members

Posted by CICHamilton

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