Comment 99855

By durander (registered) | Posted April 04, 2014 at 15:32:34 in reply to Comment 99829

I thank you for your concern...however, it's not warranted nor welcomed. It's not that I don't know those things, it's that like EVERYTHING, a balance is required. In an ideal world, everyone in Hamilton would live downtown, cycle or walk to work, for shopping, for entertainment, etc. But that's not how the City is set up. So, just as an example (albeit a worst-case one), what if we make all of downtown's 'freeways' (trying to use your lingo) 30 km/h complete streets? Is it not possible that some businesses and some residents can't deal with that (for whatever reason - right or wrong, that's not important), and decide to move to the mountain, which just creates more sprawl. Is that an ideal situation as well? I personally think not for several reasons. So yes, while what you are 'proposing' is a great idea, it's not feasible everywhere, as you are alluding to. It's about creating well-balanced communities...and part of that is an efficient transportation network.

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