Comment 99818

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted April 04, 2014 at 11:29:01 in reply to Comment 99815

I am a physicist/mathematician, but I certainly wouldn't object to some criticizing the theoretical physicists and computational fluid dynamics scientists who actively work in the defense research labs or on defense sponsored research.

It is not demonizing a profession to call out those who are not doing their job. I've written all sorts of RTH articles about good examples of traffic engineering ... and I am always citing examples of good engineering solutions.

And, as far as "not so keen to work with people who go about demonizing them" ... I've spent over 10 years trying to work with traffic engineers in Hamilton to get improvements in Durand (in particular) as a member of the DNA. And they were "not keen to work with us" long before I wrote anything at all on RTH. I wasted a huge amount of time organizing and attend city-sponsored meetings on pedestrian and urban design that were simply ignored or dismissed by the traffic department under Hart Solomon.

I am very impressed with many of the new people now doing traffic engineering in the City, but reports like this make me realize that we still have a long way to go.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2014-04-04 11:29:24

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