Comment 99790

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted April 04, 2014 at 08:40:30 in reply to Comment 99786

Here's the city's previous listing of "low-hanging fruit" that were already identified for conversion back to 2-way.

Bold Street from James to Queen

King William from John to Wellington

Rebecca from John to Wellington

Hughson North from Wilson to Barton

Park Street North from York to Barton

Hess Street South from York to Barton

Caroline from Main to York

Now, what does every entry besides Bold have in common? They're all in the North side of Downtown. Are people really clamouring to convert the handful of 1-way streets that exist north of York Boulevard?

Even in more ambitious debates about 2-way conversion, they're willing to talk about all the big massive artieries like King and Main, but still, we don't hear about Durand. Why not? Is there some massive demand to keep Duke street 1-way?

Why does the city completely avoid talking about all the 1-ways in Durand/Kirkendall? That's the densest web of completely superfluous 1-way streets in the city - why is it always glossed over?

Occasionally Queen and Bay is brought up because they're conspicuous in their absurdity, but if they were kept off the table I'd assume that the City staff are obsessed with protecting their own commutes to City Hall.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2014-04-04 08:40:53

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