Comment 99732

By Capitalist (anonymous) | Posted April 03, 2014 at 16:05:22

"Jackson says he opposes the two-way conversion of lower-city streets because his residents, who all live on two-way streets on the east Mountain, want streets in other parts of the city left one-way."

Ryan, I didn't see where Jackson made this statement.

Anyways, I agree with you on this issue. This is moving much too slowly and the conversions they have made to date are just half measures.

My thoughts:
- Convert Queen to two way all the way. Why are you forced to turn right on Herkimer when you are heading down the mountain? Why can't you keep going straight?
- Same with Bay. If you are going south you are forced to turn. Its pointless.
- Turn York into a real two-way street.
- For the love of God convert Main and King to two-way.
- I think Cannon and the Mountain access such as wellington and victoria should stay as is.

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