Comment 99653

By AnjoMan (registered) | Posted April 02, 2014 at 14:55:02 in reply to Comment 99646

If your argument is true, how would you explain the fact that Hamilton's pedestrians are nearly 50% more likely to be injured compared to the provincial average?. Is there something in the water that makes the habits of Hamilton drivers and pedestrians more dangerous than those of residents in other cities? Is it because there is an escarpment running through the city, which no other city has? Are they falling off of it? Or maybe because of Hamilton's infrastructure deficit, the sidewalks are more uneven and people are tripping on them more than in other cities?

I don't really get what higher enforcement measures is supposed to accomplish. Are drivers going to press on the brakes harder during a car-pedestrian collision because they know that they could face steeper fines or punishments? Is a car going to require less distance to stop at a given speed because the driver takes the rules of the road more seriously? Are they going to have an easier time of seeing cyclists in their blind spot because they stopped before turning right?

We've heard these arguments before - peoples attitudes need to change, and rules need heavier enforcement. Where is the data showing that this approach is successful?

Comment edited by AnjoMan on 2014-04-02 15:01:30

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