Comment 99126

By arienc (registered) | Posted March 25, 2014 at 14:24:11 in reply to Comment 98129

Actually, Stephane Dion kind of proves the point.

By all accounts, Dion was in terms of policy, on the ball. But he couldn't sell the idea of changing the tax system to penalize waste / pollution and reward income / earnings.

It totally made sense - tax the things you don't want, reduce tax on the things you do want.

His green tax shift was (unfairly) characterized as a new tax which the majority deemed offensive to them - hence a poor result for his party and his removal as leader. The party faithful couldn't even explain how it worked. It would appear Horvath is trying to avoid a similar fate.

We have a public that only pays attention to soundbites, not reachable en masse except for major events like Olympics, reluctant to change, unless you can explain how that change benefits them in a single sentence. It's gotten worse in the age of Twitter.

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