Comment 98911

By LOL_all_over_again (registered) | Posted March 22, 2014 at 02:27:47 in reply to Comment 98882

harsh winter or not, the number of cyclists in the winter months is miniscule. Bikes, motorcycles and the like pretty much disappear when the cold weather starts. Yes, Yes I know there are a few hearty souls who ride their bikes year round but they stand out because they are so few and far between. My mailman wears shorts all winter too, yet I don't see it catching on. What irks so many car drivers is the bike lanes are there day and night every day of the year and for so many hours and days they are never used. Cars on the other hand are there day and night except for a few really bad days.

Fatal crashes on the highway have no bearing on bike lanes on Cannon. If those crashes scare you then feel free to stay off the highway, the rest of us would actually appreciate it.

When and where people choose to exercise doesn't really matter except if they decide to do it by cycling on Cannon. Don't see it as being a big attraction for the majority of Hamiltonians.

There are some 625,000 people living in Hamilton I wager the majority of them don't care about bike lanes on Cannon. But then why would the opinion of the majority opinion influence the ramblings on this site? The majority here know what they want and they just don't care about all the masses that disagree with them, after all they know what is best for all of us. If you don't believe me then just ask them they have no problem telling anyone how smart they are and they and only they know what this city needs. All those who oppose them just aren't informed or knowledgeable or care enough or what ever.

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