Comment 98840

By JustinJones (registered) - website | Posted March 21, 2014 at 12:00:44 in reply to Comment 98836

That's a fine way to look at things, and you may well end up being right. But that's why this is a pilot project. It's designed to get feedback, to see the real world impacts and to identify how it affects ridership as well. Experience from around North America shows that where cycling infrastructure is maintained through the winter, even in places with harsher climates than ours, ridership numbers stay relatively strong. So your concerns, while they may bear out, can only be proven by actually trying something. We put a solution in front of City Council - one that was supported by evidence and by the community - that's why the lanes are going in. Let's see how they work, and then we can address concerns and challenges using data and evidence rather than conjecture and hypotheses.

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