Comment 98686

By LOL_all_over_again (registered) | Posted March 19, 2014 at 20:55:35 in reply to Comment 98604

whatever money is spent on transit in this province needs to be spent where it is needed most, Toronto. Toronto is the engine that drives the provincial economy. It has some serious traffic issues. Hamilton does not. We have a safe efficient one way road network that works wonderfully well for this city. We have not gridlock or serious traffic problems, yet. If the powers that be keep screwing up our road network then we certainly will. The bus only lane on King St. is a prime example of the nonsense we are facing. In a city where you can drive from downtown to Dundurn in 6 or 7 minutes with all lanes available to cars then how long can it possibly take a bus? The bus can't save more than a handfull of seconds with the new lane. In the weeks since its inception it is slowly but surely being ignored and more and more cars are driving in it. Even the cops don't care. More than once I have seen cars driving in the bus lane and being ignored by law enforcement. Everyone on the roads knows it was a bad move and are acting accordingly

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