Comment 98267

By j.servus (registered) | Posted March 06, 2014 at 18:31:35

Bratina has just confirmed (1) deep cynicism, (2) shocking ignorance, and (3) stupidity. To wit:

Stupidity: If he thinks an LRT line through parkland will "better fulfil the development promise of the B-line," then he obviously hasn't understood the arguments concerning transit oriented development.

Ignorance: If he thinks "the potential capacity of the [me] line for transit users is in the hundreds of thousands of rides per year" is impressive, he must not realize that the B-line currently carries a hundred thousand riders about every 8 days.

Shocking ignorance: It would be one thing not to know this fact. It is shocking to be the Mayor and not to know it.

Cynicism: Proposing a line that (a) only serves parts of Hamilton that are already among the wealthiest and best served, (b) while doing nothing for the poorest neighborhoods in Hamilton, and (c) minimizing the impact on drivers by (d) taking escarpment access from the poorer parts of the city.

Deep cynicism: Proposing such a line, knowing that it is only a campaign gimmick with zero chance of enactment, which nevertheless has a negative effect on probabilities that the real plan might actually be enacted; and obviously assuming that the people in the snubbed neighborhoods aren't paying attention.

Comment edited by j.servus on 2014-03-06 18:33:08

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