Comment 98246

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted March 06, 2014 at 09:44:07

No wonder there's so much confusion out there. Here's a Bratina comment that appeared on RTH transcribed from one of Bobby B's appearances on The Bill Kelly Show on July 19, 2011.

"Everyone who has come to my office in the last year, or six months, has had to go through the boredom of me unrolling my map of where the LRT should go. And the City Manager, "Oh not again, here he goes with his map. We have an LRT line sitting waiting to go that goes from the airport to the GO station, goes through the two business parks in Glanbrook, goes through the 20,000 home sprawl, which I didn't want to support that but we're going to get 20,000 new houses in the southeast you know up around Summit Park and that way. So I have a map in my office that shows the corridor it comes down and it hits Rymal, Stonechurch, Limeridge, Mohawk and then you get this nice sweep."

B Line? Seems not. Bob seems to prefer the My Line.

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