Comment 98100

By Hart (registered) | Posted March 01, 2014 at 12:57:49 in reply to Comment 98064

No one is promoting "less" for Hamilton. In fact, it is the complete opposite. RailGal is simply stating that, when Hamilton politicians are advocating an all or nothing approach, in effect, dictating terms to other levels of government, the result will be that other municipalities (Brampton, Mississauga, Burlington) will be the beneficiaries of any available infrastructure funding that is likely to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm appalled that our city had no problem covering 55% of the cost to build the Pan Am stadium that will benefit only a few, but has no desire to come up with financial tools that could raise funds locally (without increasing residential taxes) to build modern transportation that benefits everyone.

My question is not whether Hamilton can afford LRT, rather, can Hamilton afford NOT to build LRT. It's all in the 2013 Rapid Ready report in the financial section which should have been entitled, "The Cost of Not Building LRT in Hamilton."

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