Comment 98056

By RailGal (anonymous) | Posted February 27, 2014 at 19:47:25

16 politicians sitting around a council table do not always have Hamiltonians' best interests in their decision making processes. LRT is a prime example. The reality is, the provincial and federal governments are always open to investment partnerships. That means, the City of Hamilton will have to find a way to pony up its share of the cost of one or two LRT lines, and so it should. It is beyond comprehension as to why politicians and ill-informed citizens would expect upper levels of government to hand the municipality a $1-billion gift. There are countless revenue tools that could be implemented to raise funds for LRT and other transportation initiatives. Perhaps it's time for the City bean-counters to explore funding mechanisms that make sense for Hamilton, instead of writing-off altogether the prospect of LRT. While it would NOT be the silver bullet to cure Hamilton of all its ails, LRT would give the city its much-needed boost toward becoming the world-class city in can and will be. We must be committed philosophically and financially if LRT is to become a reality in Hamilton. There is no free ride; no free lunch. The sooner we accept and appreciate this fact, the sooner building on the A-Line will begin. Thanks for such a great article, Ryan. Cheers.

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