Comment 97994

By bvbborussia (registered) | Posted February 26, 2014 at 23:01:17 in reply to Comment 97950

Those are great arguments for improved links between McMaster and Downtown. It's the bit from downtown eastward (the largest portion) that will be harder to justify.

One thing that I haven't seen mentioned very often on these pages is the role that employers and corporations will play in how all this money gets spent. The people are poor and there are almost no large corporations located along the route.

Lower Hamilton is home to almost zero national corporate head offices. Mississauga's LRT will have the backing of the Fortune 500. Improved transportation will not only increase their property values but also allow for better employee recruitment. Something that almost all large employers crave.

Hamilton's small ethnic mom and pops will not have a seat at the big table.

This list proves it.

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