Comment 97950

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted February 26, 2014 at 11:34:02 in reply to Comment 97948

Although parts of the LRT line will go through some very poor and under-resourced areas of the city, the western half connects the two largest employment clusters in the city and some of the wealthier neighbourhoods: downtown (largest employment cluster with about 23,000 workers which is also Hamilton's entertainment and government services centre) and McMaster (with about 30,000 students and 7500 employees).

It is actually difficult to think of a transportation project that would knit together and increase mobility for such a diverse population, range of activities and large number of students and employees. There is also reasonable connection to GO via Hunter Street and the GO terminal at McMaster (not to mention the GO bus stops on King and Main).

Only counting McMaster and Downtown, the B-line LRT would serve over 60,000 students and employees. And the development that LRT would attract would increase that number dramatically, due to the number of vacant and under-developed lots along the line (identified in the city's companion land use study).

It really is very misleading to cast LRT as a project serving only the poor (or only the rich), or as generating benefits only for the lower city.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2014-02-26 11:44:17

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